
EFOS has the following aims:

  • Promoting high level education of older people alongside younger students or at special academies/universities for older people
  • Fostering of joint projects for older students throughout Europe
  • Fostering and securing the access of older people, including those without formal qualifications, to education at the highest level

  • Representing the interests of academic education for older people in politics and society

  • Fostering of autonomous national organizations with similar goals

  • Identifying possibilities of using the skills and expertise of older students for the benefit of science and society

  • Cooperating with other international organizations that support lifelong learning (LLL)


Please download our folder with the most relevant information in short.



EFOS is represented at the Vienna NGO committee on Ageing of the UN

Next Meeting

Regular meeting and seminar
in Alicante 23 - 26 October 2024



Proverbs once and now
An article by Wolgang Spitaler.


Letter to EU Parliament

In advance of the election for the EU Parliament in 2019 EFOS has sent an open letter to the EU Parliament and the Commission to draw their attention to the education for older people.


On 13 May 2016 the presidents of EFOS and AIUTA signed a memorandum of cooperation

Read more





Senior´s Learning in the Digital Society

Educational Senior Network

Virtual European Cultural Centre

Comparison of Universities for Seniors and investigation on motivation of senior students