NGO with consultative status at the U.N.
The EFOS-News have the aim to inform the members and other interested parties about the work of our organisation and about the Universities of the 3rd Age in Europe.
The first two editions were issued in 1993 and 1994. Thereafter there was a break of ten years till 2003 when a third edition was published, containing articles from the seminar "Further education for seniors and present trends for the 3rd millenium" that was held in Bratislava as part of the autumn meeting in 2003.
At the autumn meeting 2004 in Groningen it was decided to regularly issue an edition of the EFOS-News once an year. The first of these editions was distributed in May 2004. In order to keep the costs low the journal is distributed in digital form via e-mail and via this website. The EFOS members on their turn send them on to interested parties in their region.
Till 2005 the EFOS News were published in German only. Since 2006 a (sometimes shortened) English edition is published too.
For the German edition switch to the webpage in German.
For earlier editions see the Archive