October 2018 Bratislava

The autumn meeting of 2018 was held in Bratislava from 4th to 6th October.

Main points on the agenda:
-  a letter to be sent to the EU Parliament and the EU Commission in view of the elections in 2019. It was signed by all particpants. EFOS members are invited to also send the letter to their national parliament and government.
-  a new common project to be started in 2019. The subject will be "New technologies. How can older people be helped to cope with them in their own home" .

A seminar "EU Citizens' Awareness and Relationship with teh Younger Generation" was held at the information office of the EU Parliament in Bratislava.

Prof. François Vellas, president of the Internatioanl Association of Universities of the Third Age (IAUTA/AIUTA) attended the meeting as a special guest.


Programme meeting

Programme seminar
